
Livestock Development for Sustainable Livelihood
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Driving Rapid Changes in Livestock Production Systems

Empowering Pastoral and Agro-pastoral communities
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Improving Access to Social Services and Economic Infrastructure

Akika Distribution
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By Zakat Foundation of America at Marmarsa Orphan Boarding School

Natural Resources Development
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Building Partnerships & Capacity for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, with a focus on Local Ownership

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Who We Are

The United Society for Sustainable Development (UNISOD) is a non-political, non-governmental, non-profit making and non-religious organization, established in 2003 as Community Based Organization.  

UNISOD exists to support the neediest and reoccurring drought affected communities. 

Our Values


UNISOD , during the next five years, intends to share with others and mobilize them around it. UNISOD wants to see food secured and improved lives for all pastoral and agro pastoral communities


Work with pastoral and agro pastoral communities and stakeholders to improve the socio-economic conditions of pastoralists through institutional capacity building and enhancing livelihood.


UNISOD has core values that embrace its efforts of supporting the pastoral and agro pastoral communities and guides its staff in their daily work towards common vision and objectives.

Story of our beneficiaries

These are the kind of stories of people that motivate us everyday.

Read these success stories.

Project Gallery

trained CAHWs

Dayibo Hassan, well trained CAHWs in Dambel of Siti Zone, funded by Oxfam GB

Vaccination and treatment

During Vaccination and treatment campaign in for the community of Dambel District, funded by Oxfam GB


Supporting rangeland management through cash-for-work (CFW)

Trained TBAs

5 Trained TBAs equipped with assorted kit after 90 days of training, funded By Oxfam GB

Startup Kits

Provision of Startup Kits for new CAHWs trainee

Drinking water point

Drinking water point at Hussein Gire Public School in Jig-jiga funded by UNICEF

Pastoralist women

Pastoralist women in school attending adult literacy class in Dambel district

Animal Health Workers

41 New Community Animal Health Workers were trained for Dambel district for the Last 4 years

Modern Birka

Modern Birka equipped with hand pump in Dambel district


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